Your privacy is very important to us. As part of the normal operation of this site, the Physical Edge Healthcare may collect certain information from you. This privacy policy details what information we collect, how we use that information, and what your rights are regarding any information that you supply to us. The Physical Edge Healthcare is subject to the requirements of applicable Australian law and strive to meet the requirements of the Australian National Principles for the Fair Handling of Personal Information.

Physical Edge Healthcare’s Privacy Policy is bound by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 and operates in accordance with the Code of Conduct of the Australian Physiotherapy Association.

Your information and your right to privacy

What information is collected by this site, and how is it used?

Our Commitment to you

Your information is stored on Physical Edge Healthcare's server. We are committed to using industry standard mechanisms to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information, such as firewalls and secure socket layers. However, it is important to recognise that "perfect security" does not exist on the internet.

For more information about privacy, please contact Physical Edge Healthcare.

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